'use strict'; (function( $ ) { var total; var is_rtl = false; var rtl_direction = 1; // --------------- // Functions start // --------------- window.bt_cc_subtotal = ';var setSubtotal = function( id, val, ignore_format ) {' + 'if ( arguments.length < 2 || ! jQuery( "#btSubtotalId"+id ) ) return;' + 'var c = jQuery( "#btSubtotalId" + id ).closest( ".btQuoteBooking" );' + 'if ( ignore_format !== true ) val = bt_cc_currency_format( c, val );' + 'var currency = c.data( "currency" );' + 'var currency_after = c.data( "currency_after" );' + 'var currency_space = c.data( "currency_space" );' + 'var hide_total = c.data( "hide_total" );' + 'if ( currency != "" && ignore_format !== true ) {' + 'if ( currency_after == "yes" ) {' + 'if ( currency_space == "yes" ) {' + 'val = val + " " + currency;' + '} else {' + 'val = val + currency;' + '}' + '} else {' + 'if ( currency_space == "yes" ) {' + 'val = currency + " " + val;' + '} else {' + 'val = currency + val;' + '}' + '}' + '}' + 'jQuery( "#btSubtotalId" + id ).data( "val", val );' + 'if ( hide_total == "yes" ) {' + 'jQuery( "#btSubtotalId" + id ).hide();' + 'return;' + '}' + 'jQuery( "#btSubtotalId" + id ).find( ".btQuoteSubtotalCalc" ).html( val );' + '};'; // Base functions window.bt_parse_float = function( x ) { var r = parseFloat( x ); if ( isNaN( r ) ) r = 0; return r; } $.fn.bt_cc_lock = function(){ $(this).addClass( 'btCCLock' ); return $(this); } $.fn.bt_cc_unlock = function(){ $(this).removeClass( 'btCCLock' ); return $(this); } // function to be called from element conditions window.bt_cc_set_slider_value = function( elem, value, calc ){ if ( elem.slider( 'instance' ) ) { elem.slider( 'value', value ); elem.find('.btQuoteSliderValue').html( value ); if ( calc ) { bt_quote_total( elem.closest( '.btQuoteBooking' ) ); bt_paypal_items( elem.closest( '.btQuoteBooking' ) ); } } } window.bt_cc_get_slider_value = function( elem ){ if ( elem.slider( 'instance' ) ) { var val = bt_parse_float( elem.find('.btQuoteSliderValue').html() ); } else { var val = bt_parse_float( elem.data( 'initial-value' ) ); } return val; } $.fn.bt_cc_set_value = function( value ){ if ( value !== null && value !== 'undefined' && value !== undefined ) { var initial_value = value; } else { var initial_value = $( this ).find( '.btQuoteElement' ).data( 'initial-value' ); } if ( $( this ).find( '.btQuoteItemInput > .btQuoteSelect' ).length > 0 ) { var oDropdown = $( this ).find( '.btQuoteSelect' ).data("dd"); if ( oDropdown !== undefined ) { bt_cc_init_dropdown( oDropdown, "#"+$( this ).attr('id'), initial_value ); } } else if ( $( this ).find( '.btQuoteItemInput > .btQuoteSlider' ).length > 0 ) { if ( $( this ).find( '.btQuoteItemInput > .btQuoteSlider' ).slider( 'instance' ) ) { bt_cc_set_slider_value( $( this ).find( '.btQuoteItemInput > .btQuoteSlider' ), initial_value ); } else { /* W3 Tiotal cache safe path */ setTimeout( bt_cc_set_slider_value, 2000, $( this ).find( '.btQuoteItemInput > .btQuoteSlider' ), initial_value, true ); } } else if ( $( this ).find( '.btQuoteItemInput > .btQuoteText' ).length > 0 ) { $( this ).find( '.btQuoteText' ).val( initial_value ); } else if ( $( this ).find( '.btQuoteItemInput > .btQuoteSwitch' ).length > 0 ) { if ( ( $( this ).find( '.btQuoteSwitch' ).data('on') == initial_value && !$( this ).find( '.btQuoteSwitch' ).hasClass('on') ) || ( $( this ).find( '.btQuoteSwitch' ).data('off') == initial_value && $( this ).find( '.btQuoteSwitch' ).hasClass('on') ) ) { $( this ).find( '.btQuoteSwitch' ).trigger('click'); } } bt_cc_eval_conditions( initial_value, $( this ).find( '.btQuoteElement' ).data( 'condition' ) ); bt_quote_total( $( this ).closest( '.btQuoteBooking' ) ); bt_paypal_items( $( this ).closest( '.btQuoteBooking' ) ); return $(this); } window.bt_cc_eval_conditions = function( val, conditions ){ // alert(conditions); if ( conditions == '' || conditions == undefined ) return false; if ( val == '' ) val = 0; if ( conditions.indexOf(';') == -1 ) { conditions = atob( conditions ); var bt_cc_conditions = conditions.split(/\r?\n/); } else { var bt_cc_conditions = conditions.split("#bt_cc_nl#"); } $.each( bt_cc_conditions, function( index, value ) { if ( bt_cc_conditions[index] != undefined ) { var bt_cc_single_condition = bt_cc_conditions[index].split(";"); var eval_action = bt_cc_single_condition[2]; if ( bt_cc_single_condition[3] == 'lock' ) { eval_action += '.bt_cc_lock()'; } else if ( bt_cc_single_condition[3] == 'unlock' ) { eval_action += '.bt_cc_unlock()'; } if ( bt_cc_single_condition[0] != '' ) { var eval_code = 'if ( ' + val + decodeURIComponent( bt_cc_single_condition[0] ) + ' ) { $(\'#' + bt_cc_single_condition[1] + '\').' + eval_action + '; }' ; eval( eval_code ); } } }); return false; } // Paypal calculation window.bt_paypal_items = function( c ) { $( c ).each(function() { if ( $( this ).find( '.btPayPalButton' ).length > 0 ) { var form = $( this ).find( '.btPayPalButton' ).next(); form.find( '.btPayPalItem' ).remove(); var x = 0; // items not in multiply and group $( this ).find( '.btQuoteBookingForm' ).find( '.btQuoteItem' ).not( '.btQuoteMBlock .btQuoteItem' ).not( '.btQuoteGBlock .btQuoteItem' ).each(function() { var unit_price = 0; var val = 0; var selected_name = ''; $( this ).find( '.btQuoteText' ).each(function() { unit_price = bt_parse_float( $( this ).data( 'price' ) ); val = bt_parse_float( $( this ).val() ); }); $( this ).find( '.btQuoteSelect' ).find( '._msddli_.selected' ).each(function() { unit_price = bt_parse_float( $( this ).data( 'value' ) ); val = 1; selected_name = $( this ).find( '.ddlabel' )[0].innerHTML; if ( $( this ).is( ':first-child' ) ) { selected_name = ''; } }); var is_slider = false; $( this ).find( '.btQuoteSlider' ).each(function() { unit_price = bt_parse_float( $( this ).data( 'price' ) ); val = bt_cc_get_slider_value ( $( this ) ); is_slider = true; }); $( this ).find( '.btQuoteSwitch' ).each(function() { if ( $( this ).hasClass( 'on' ) ) { unit_price = bt_parse_float( $( this ).data( 'on' ) ); } else { unit_price = bt_parse_float( $( this ).data( 'off' ) ); } val = 1; }); var label = $( this ).find( 'label' ).html(); if ( is_slider ) { label = label + ': ' + val; } if ( selected_name != '' ) { selected_name = selected_name.replace( '', '/' ); selected_name = selected_name.replace( '', '' ); if ( label.endsWith( '?' ) || label.endsWith( ':' ) ) { label = label + ' ' + selected_name; } else { label = label + ': ' + selected_name; } } val = val * unit_price; if ( label !== undefined && val > 0 ) { x++; val = val.toFixed( 2 ); form.append( '' ); } }); // multiply $( this ).find( '.btQuoteBookingForm' ).find( '.btQuoteMBlock' ).each(function() { var m_total = 1; var m_first = true; var m_val = 0; var selected_name = ''; var label = ''; $( this ).find( '.btQuoteItem' ).each(function() { $( this ).find( '.btQuoteText' ).each(function() { var unit_price = bt_parse_float( $( this ).data( 'price' ) ); var val = bt_parse_float( $( this ).val() ); val = val * unit_price; if ( m_first ) { m_val = val; label = $( this ).closest( '.btQuoteItem' ).find( 'label' ).html(); } else { m_total *= val; } m_first = false; }); $( this ).find( '.btQuoteSelect' ).find( '._msddli_.selected' ).each(function() { var val = bt_parse_float( $( this ).data( 'value' ) ); if ( m_first ) { m_val = val; label = $( this ).closest( '.btQuoteItem' ).find( 'label' ).html(); selected_name = $( this ).find( '.ddlabel' )[0].innerHTML; selected_name = selected_name.substring( 0, selected_name.indexOf( ' 0 && m_val > 0 ) { x++; m_val = m_val.toFixed( 2 ); form.append( '' ); } }); // group $( this ).find( '.btQuoteBookingForm' ).find( '.btQuoteGBlock' ).each(function() { var eval_code = $( this ).data( 'eval' ); var paypal_label = $( this ).data( 'paypal_label' ); var group_array = []; $( this ).find( '.btQuoteItem' ).each(function() { var val; $( this ).find( '.btQuoteText' ).each(function() { var unit_price = bt_parse_float( $( this ).data( 'price' ) ); val = bt_parse_float( $( this ).val() ); val = val * unit_price; }); $( this ).find( '.btQuoteSelect' ).find( '._msddli_.selected' ).each(function() { val = bt_parse_float( $( this ).data( 'value' ) ); }); $( this ).find( '.btQuoteSlider' ).each(function() { var unit_price = bt_parse_float( $( this ).data( 'price' ) ); // val = bt_parse_float( $( this ).slider( 'value' ) ); val = bt_cc_get_slider_value ( $( this ) ); val = val * unit_price; }); $( this ).find( '.btQuoteSwitch' ).each(function() { if ( $( this ).hasClass( 'on' ) ) { val = bt_parse_float( $( this ).data( 'on' ) ); } else { val = bt_parse_float( $( this ).data( 'off' ) ); } }); group_array.push( val ); }); var patt = /\$\d+/igm; var match = eval_code.match( patt ); if ( match === null ) { eval_code = atob( eval_code ); match = eval_code.match( patt ); } if ( match === null ) { return; } for ( var i = 0; i < match.length; i++ ) { eval_code = eval_code.replace( match[ i ], group_array[ i ] ); } eval_code = window.bt_cc_subtotal + eval_code; var g_total = eval( '(function() {' + decodeURIComponent(eval_code) + '}())' ); if ( paypal_label != '' && g_total > 0 ) { x++; g_total = g_total.toFixed( 2 ); form.append( '' ); } }); } }); } // Currency format window.bt_cc_currency_format = function( c, n ) { var regex = /(\d)(?=(\d{3})+\.)/g; var regex_replace = '$1,'; Number.prototype.toNumberFormat=function(t,r,e){r=r||".",e=e||"";var o=this.toFixed(t).split(".");return o[0]=o[0].replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g,e),o.join(r)}; var format = c.data( 'total_format' ); var decimals = c.data( 'total_decimals' ); if ( format == 'currency_1' || format == 'currency_2' || format == 'currency_3' ) { var ts = ','; var ds = '.'; if ( format == 'currency_2' ) { var ts = '.'; var ds = ','; } if ( format == 'currency_3' ) { var ts = ' '; var ds = ','; } n = n.toNumberFormat( decimals, ds, ts ); } else if ( format == 'decimal_1' || format == 'decimal_2' ) { var ds = '.'; var ts = ''; if ( format == 'decimal_2' ) { var ds = ','; } n = n.toNumberFormat( decimals, ds, ts ); } else if ( format == 'rounded' ) { n = Math.round( n ); } return n; } // Total calculation window.bt_quote_total = function( c ) { var c = $( c ); total = 0; c.find( '.btQuoteText' ).not( '.btQuoteMBlock .btQuoteText' ).not( '.btQuoteGBlock .btQuoteText' ).each(function() { var unit_price = bt_parse_float( $( this ).data( 'price' ) ); var val = bt_parse_float( $( this ).val() ); val = val * unit_price; total += val; }); c.find( '.btQuoteSelect' ).not( '.btQuoteMBlock .btQuoteSelect' ).not( '.btQuoteGBlock .btQuoteSelect' ).find( '._msddli_.selected' ).each(function() { var val = bt_parse_float( $( this ).data( 'value' ) ); total += val; }); c.find( '.btQuoteSlider' ).not( '.btQuoteMBlock .btQuoteSlider' ).not( '.btQuoteGBlock .btQuoteSlider' ).each(function() { var unit_price = bt_parse_float( $( this ).data( 'price' ) ); var offset = bt_parse_float( $( this ).data( 'offset' ) ); var val = bt_cc_get_slider_value ( $( this ) ); val = val * unit_price; total += val; if ( ! $( this ).closest( '.btQuoteBooking' ).find( '.btPayPalButton' ).length > 0 ) { total += offset; } }); c.find( '.btQuoteSwitch' ).not( '.btQuoteMBlock .btQuoteSwitch' ).not( '.btQuoteGBlock .btQuoteSwitch' ).each(function() { if ( $( this ).hasClass( 'on' ) ) { total += bt_parse_float( $( this ).data( 'on' ) ); } else { total += bt_parse_float( $( this ).data( 'off' ) ); } }); // multiply c.find( '.btQuoteMBlock' ).each(function() { var m_total = 0; var m_first = true; $( this ).find( '.btQuoteText' ).each(function() { var unit_price = bt_parse_float( $( this ).data( 'price' ) ); var val = bt_parse_float( $( this ).val() ); val = val * unit_price; if ( m_first ) { m_total = val; } else { m_total *= val; } m_first = false; }); $( this ).find( '.btQuoteSelect' ).find( '._msddli_.selected' ).each(function() { var val = bt_parse_float( $( this ).data( 'value' ) ); if ( m_first ) { m_total = val; } else { m_total *= val; } m_first = false; }); $( this ).find( '.btQuoteSlider' ).each(function() { var unit_price = bt_parse_float( $( this ).data( 'price' ) ); var offset = bt_parse_float( $( this ).data( 'offset' ) ); //var val = bt_parse_float( $( this ).slider( 'value' ) ); var val = bt_cc_get_slider_value ( $( this ) ); val = val * unit_price; if ( m_first ) { m_total = val; } else { m_total *= val; } m_total += offset; m_first = false; }); $( this ).find( '.btQuoteSwitch' ).each(function() { if ( $( this ).hasClass( 'on' ) ) { var val = bt_parse_float( $( this ).data( 'on' ) ); } else { var val = bt_parse_float( $( this ).data( 'off' ) ); } if ( m_first ) { m_total = val; } else { m_total *= val; } m_first = false; }); total += m_total; }); // group c.find( '.btQuoteGBlock' ).each(function() { var eval_code = $( this ).data( 'eval' ); var group_array = []; $( this ).find( '.btQuoteItem .btQuoteItemInput' ).each(function() { var val = 0; $( this ).find( '.btQuoteText' ).each(function() { var unit_price = bt_parse_float( $( this ).data( 'price' ) ); val = bt_parse_float( $( this ).val() ); val = val * unit_price; }); $( this ).find( '.btQuoteSelect' ).find( '._msddli_.selected' ).each(function() { val = bt_parse_float( $( this ).data( 'value' ) ); }); $( this ).find( '.btQuoteSlider' ).each(function() { var unit_price = bt_parse_float( $( this ).data( 'price' ) ); var offset = bt_parse_float( $( this ).data( 'offset' ) ); val = bt_cc_get_slider_value( $( this ) ); val = val * unit_price; }); $( this ).find( '.btQuoteSwitch' ).each(function() { if ( $( this ).hasClass( 'on' ) ) { val = bt_parse_float( $( this ).data( 'on' ) ); } else { val = bt_parse_float( $( this ).data( 'off' ) ); } }); group_array.push( val ); }); var patt = /\$\d+/igm; var match = eval_code.match( patt ); if ( match === null ) { eval_code = atob( eval_code ); match = eval_code.match( patt ); } if ( match === null ) { return; } for ( var i = 0; i < match.length; i++ ) { eval_code = eval_code.replace( match[ i ], group_array[ i ] ); } eval_code = window.bt_cc_subtotal + eval_code; var g_total = eval( '(function() {' + decodeURIComponent( eval_code ) + '}())' ); total += g_total; }); total = bt_cc_currency_format( c, total ); c.find( '.btQuoteTotalCalc' ).html( total ); c.data( 'total', total ); } // Init functions // Dropdown init window.bt_cc_init_dropdown = function( elem, id, index ) { elem.set( "selectedIndex", index ); var ui2 = $( id ).find( '._msddli_.selected' ); var val = elem.getData().data.value; ui2.data( 'value', val ); bt_cc_eval_conditions( val, ui2.closest( '.btQuoteSelect' ).data( 'condition' ) ); bt_quote_total( ui2.closest( '.btQuoteBooking' ) ); bt_paypal_items( ui2.closest( '.btQuoteBooking' ) ); } // Base init window.bt_cc_init = function( ) { $( ".btQuoteBooking" ).each(function( index ) { var c = $( this ); setTimeout( function(){ c.css( 'opacity', '1' ); }, 200 ); // Init elements c.find( '.btContactDate' ).datepicker({ prevText: window.bt_cc_translate['prev'], nextText: window.bt_cc_translate['next'], dateFormat: c.data( 'date_format' ), dayNamesMin: [ window.bt_cc_translate['su'], window.bt_cc_translate['mo'], window.bt_cc_translate['tu'], window.bt_cc_translate['we'], window.bt_cc_translate['th'], window.bt_cc_translate['fr'], window.bt_cc_translate['sa'] ], monthNames: [ window.bt_cc_translate['january'], window.bt_cc_translate['february'], window.bt_cc_translate['march'], window.bt_cc_translate['april'], window.bt_cc_translate['may'], window.bt_cc_translate['june'], window.bt_cc_translate['july'], window.bt_cc_translate['august'], window.bt_cc_translate['september'], window.bt_cc_translate['october'], window.bt_cc_translate['november'], window.bt_cc_translate['december'] ], beforeShow: function( input, inst ) { $( '.ui-datepicker' ).addClass( 'btDatePicker' ); } }); c.find( '.btQuoteSlider' ).each(function() { $( this ).slider({ min: ! window.is_rtl ? $( this ).data( 'min' ) : -$( this ).data( 'max' ), max: ! window.is_rtl ? $( this ).data( 'max' ) : -$( this ).data( 'min' ), step: $( this ).data( 'step' ), value: ! window.is_rtl ? $( this ).data( 'value' ) : -$( this ).data( 'value' ), change: function( event, ui ) { $( this ).find('.btQuoteSliderValue').html( window.rtl_direction * $( this ).slider( 'value' ) ); bt_cc_eval_conditions( window.rtl_direction * $( this ).slider( 'value' ), $( this ).data( 'condition' ) ); } }); bt_cc_eval_conditions( window.rtl_direction * $( this ).data( 'value' ), $( this ).data( 'condition' ) ); }); c.find( '.ui-slider-handle' ).each(function() { $( this ).append( $( this ).closest( '.btQuoteItemInput' ).find( $( '.btQuoteSliderValue' ) ) ); }); c.find( '.btQuoteSlider' ).each(function() { var this_slider = $( this ); $( this ).slider({ slide: function( event, ui ) { var val = window.rtl_direction * ui.value; this_slider.slider( 'value', val ); this_slider.find('.btQuoteSliderValue').html( val ); bt_quote_total( c ); bt_paypal_items( c ); } }); }); c.find( '.btQuoteSwitch' ).on( 'click', function() { if ( $( this ).hasClass( 'on' ) ) { $( this ).removeClass( 'on' ); bt_cc_eval_conditions( $( this ).data( 'off' ), $( this ).data( 'condition' ) ); } else { $( this ).addClass( 'on' ); bt_cc_eval_conditions( $( this ).data( 'on' ), $( this ).data( 'condition' ) ); } bt_quote_total( c ); bt_paypal_items( c ); }); c.find( '.btQuoteSwitch' ).each( function() { if ( $( this ).hasClass( 'on' ) ) { bt_cc_eval_conditions( $( this ).data( 'on' ), $( this ).data( 'condition' ) ); } else { bt_cc_eval_conditions( $( this ).data( 'off' ), $( this ).data( 'condition' ) ); } }); c.find( '.btPayPalButton' ).on( 'click', function() { $( this ).next().submit(); }); c.find( '.btQuoteText' ).each(function() { bt_cc_eval_conditions( $( this ).val(), $( this ).data( 'condition' ) ); }); c.find( '.btQuoteText' ).keyup(function() { bt_quote_total( c ); bt_paypal_items( c ); bt_cc_eval_conditions( $( this ).val(), $( this ).data( 'condition' ) ); }); c.find( '.btContactNext' ).on( 'click', function() { $( 'html, body' ).delay( 1000 ).animate({ scrollTop: ( $( this ).closest( '.btQuoteBooking' ).find( '.btTotalQuoteContactGroup' ).offset().top - 30 ) }, 400 ); var contact_group = $( this ).closest( '.btQuoteBooking' ).find( '.btTotalQuoteContactGroup' ); $( this ).closest( '.btQuoteBooking' ).find( '.btTotalQuoteContactGroup' ).addClass( 'btActive' ); $( this ).closest( '.btQuoteBooking' ).find( '.btQuoteBookingForm' ).removeClass( 'btActive' ); }); c.find( '.btContactSubmit' ).on( 'click', function() { c.find( '.btContactFieldError' ).removeClass( 'btContactFieldError' ); var val = true; c.find( '.btContactField' ).each(function() { if ( $( this ).parent().hasClass( 'btContactFieldMandatory' ) && ( ( $( this ).val() == '' && ! $( this ).hasClass( 'btContactTime' ) ) || ( $( this ).hasClass( 'btContactTime' ) && $( this ).hasClass( 'btNotSelected' ) ) ) ) { $( this ).parent().addClass( 'btContactFieldError' ); val = false; } }); if ( ! val ) { c.find( '.btSubmitMessage' ).hide().html( c.data( 'message_mandatory' ) ).fadeIn(); return false; } var quote = ''; var back = 0; var bt_is_odd = function( n ) { return ( n % 2 ) == 1; } c.find( '.btQuoteItem, .btQuoteSubtotal' ).each(function() { back++; var item_val = 0; var selected_name = ''; var is_text = false; var text_val; $( this ).find( '.btQuoteText' ).each(function() { var unit_price = bt_parse_float( $( this ).data( 'price' ) ); text_val = bt_parse_float( $( this ).val() ); item_val = text_val * unit_price; is_text = true; }); $( this ).find( '.btQuoteSelect' ).find( '._msddli_.selected' ).each(function() { selected_name = $( this ).find( '.ddlabel' )[0].innerHTML; if ( $( this ).is( ':first-child' ) ) { selected_name = ''; } item_val = bt_parse_float( $( this ).data( 'value' ) ); }); var is_slider = false; var slider_val; $( this ).find( '.btQuoteSlider' ).each(function() { var unit_price = bt_parse_float( $( this ).data( 'price' ) ); // slider_val = bt_parse_float( $( this ).slider( 'value' ) ); 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